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Healthy Kansas City
Article about Dr. William Reed

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Dr. Reed, a Midwest native, graduated from the University of Rochester

in New York with degrees in both Chemistry and Biology.


He joined the graduate program in Anatomy at Washington University Medical School where he taught medical students while pursuing advanced studies.


He was accepted into medical school with advanced standing, graduating

in 1977 from the University of Missouri School of Medicine-Columbia,

where he remained for two years of General Surgery Residency.


Invited to join the Orthopedic Surgery Department of prestigious

Duke University, he completed his Chief Residency in 1983 while

serving as Orthopedic Surgeon and Flight Surgeon in the USAF.


Ever since he has practiced in the Kansas City Metro

focusing upon spine and upper extremity care.


A champion and teacher of surgical and facility innovations to better patient care, he has built hospitals, spine surgery programs and completed an MBA from the Olin School of Business of Washington University.


*Please check out Dr. Reed's exceptional patient testimonials.

​*See Healthgrades Reviews for patient feedback.

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